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Viva Dance & Music Show Case
Date: 1 - 2 / 4 / 2023
Time: 1 / 4 / 2023 > 19:30|2 / 4 / 2023 > 15:00
Venue: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, JCCAC
Ticket Price: Free Admission by Ticket
Presenter: i-dArt, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Enquiries: 3598 2920; i-dart@tungwah.org.hk
Facebook: idArtTWGHs
Instagram: idart_twghs

This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme
Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.
art-mate Website : https://www.art-mate.net

For NGO show ticketing, please contact the presenter for more information

Tickets are on a first-come, first-served