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Feather & Calligraphy Art
Date: 7 / 10 - 29 / 11 / 2022
Time: 14:00-16:30 / 19:30-22:00 (Pls refer to the online registration form)
Venue: L1-03 Kathleen Wong Art
Fee*: $1600/4 lessons
Quota: 8-9/class
Online Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/4jG5I36Barj8AEUZ2
Website & Enquiry: https://www.kathleenwongart.com/services

*10% for past students or pair enrollment; 15% off for past students with a successful referral of 2 new participants

1. 華麗英文書法
2. 高貴優雅的幻彩羽毛繪y畫及書法 ​
3. 幻彩花環/鳥兒繪畫
4. 現代風格羽毛水彩畫

Registration Deadline: 6pm, 22nd of the month